Books, CD's and DVD's
BOOKS This is an easy way to make books. The making of books for our dolls can be pretty complicated, what with the copying, sizing, printing etc. No need to get stressed out with these easy and very simple methods.... First look through newspapers, magazines and catalogues for book adverts or review's. I love the Mail on Sunday supplement (UK) it has book reviews and the pictures are just the right size. But I'm sure there are others. To make your own books you will need Craft knife or similar Foam core board. I use a mix of depths 3mm, 5mm and 10mm. Glue stick Scissors Cut out your books leaving extra paper on the left (to wrap around the board) Glue the cover side to the board face upwards Cut around your book with a craft knife. I always cut twice. Once around the edge but not right through then again cutting right through. This helps if the board is thick or knife not as sharp as should be. Then gl...