This is more about dolls than Dioramas

Over the years I have been asked many a time how do I keep track of all my dolls? How do I find names for them all and how do I remember their names? So here it is... Starting with names. I found a baby naming site and printed the list off. For the Poppy dolls I thought names that start with a 'P' and are flower names. Once a name has been picked I add a note to the page hair colour and doll type. Then I give each doll a tag with their name on one side and description on the back. Then on the computer I go to my doll photo page Go to the doll type Then to hair colour Next up open or closed mouth for Barbie's Finally the dolls name All dolls start with three photos. Head shot, head and shoulders and full length. Then any photos I take of the doll will be added to their file.