Same kitchen as last week but with the cupboards turned around to show the white side and a different style of decoration. Isn't he handsome? His name is Finn and he is an OOAK re-paint by Dawn One Sixth Sense LINK And now onto tiles These are some of mine Look for sample tiles on ebay Or the discontinued shelf in DIY stores None of these were purchased with a specific room in mind .... just might come in handy one day? Just an idea but if you keep a lot of your unused goodies boxed away take photo's and keep them in a file for reference You can by sheets of the small mirror tile in hobby stores and these are sticky back are very easy to cut and use on a tone of things A few ideas This bar I made for Darius's Bar and night club Gloria bar before I 'messed with it'.... by the way if anyone has one of these spare I'm interested! Wallpaper tile...